
Showing posts from December, 2020

yoga journal final 12/12

      Going into this  semester, I had 0 expectations due to the Covid-19 pandemic changing the way what we consider a normal lifestyle. I was very nervous learning and adapting to an all online course after taking a year off working at Disney World and being used to attending classes in person. As a former student athlete, I thought this class would get me back into a routine for school and overall health. I was expecting to have yoga practices everytime we met for class. However, I was caught off guard on how much more I was actually taking in the class.     Over the course of this year, I've learned that Eastern yoga is very  different to Western yoga. A way I would put it as is Western yoga is the bread while Eastern yoga is the cheese, meat, seasoning inside the bread with the chips on the side. Western yoga has more of a physical aspect practice. Many people in America follow this style as it focuses on the health and fitness of the person. However, they will do these practic