yoga Journal 6

   Whether physical, mental, or both, yoga is viewed by many as a healing ritual. Yoga, to us in a way, relieves stress in the body with a little pressure. I would say my practice space would be a healing ritual of yoga considering it's my bedroom. My room is my privacy and where I spend most of my time if  I'm not working. Feeling relaxed is a good way to begin the process of healing.  

    While doing yoga, Ill keep my space to the minimum of my music softly with the instructor's voice high. I have 2 fans running to keep circulation in my room and usually my window open except for this time of year due to allergy season is in full effect. During the practice, the instructor reminds us of our breath and be in specific postures that aid the healing process. For example, one pose I went into was standing up but bending over with my arms around my head letting it all hang while continuing to breathe in and out of the nose. This really clears my head while forgetting that my hamstrings are being stretched.   
    Once I'm done with yoga, I can feel the difference in my body and my mindset. I feel very refreshed at moments, while also feeling sore at other moments, and my hips feel brand new. Doing this in the morning really jumpstarts me and motivates me to go to the gym afterward. I've noticed the days I don't do a yoga practice I become very lazy. 


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