Yoga Journal 5

     This week we had two yoga practices in class. The first class was a Lyengar practice with Amita. The second class was an Ashtanga practice with David.  I enjoyed the opportunity to take the classes in class. I have to say I was pretty exhausted after taking it. Amita and David taught in their own personal knowledge, experience, and style that I respected. 

    During the first practice, Amita demonstrated each and every posture more than once. It was broken down verbally and physically to make sure we got the concept down. I really liked that since I'm not the best at the terminology and poses. She constantly reminded us to breathe and stay grounded and to reset if needed. She had short breaks in between and multiple sets within each position to explain some poses in depth. What her class showed me was that flexibly isn't my best and that I need to work on it. Davids practice exposed it even more 
    The second practice with David was definitely a new yoga experience for me. David himself didn't do the poses he was saying to do but he had a very calming voice. However, I felt like he went through the movements very fast so for me it was hard keeping up with what his wife was doing on screen. I also had a hard time doing most of the poses as well to where at some points of the class I was just watching the poses. As I said before, I really need to work on my flexibility because after this class my hamstrings were really on fire.  I am grateful to have taken both of these classes and  to both instructors for the new experiences and newfound respect and understanding for ashtanga yoga. 


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