Yoga Journal 3

    My yoga class this week was thought by Diane Polli via Zoom. The class was an hour and thirty minutes long. This was such a big difference compared to what I am used to. It was also different in how the instructor, Diane, wasn't doing the yoga along with us. However, she was very descriptive on how to do them.

    At first, I could do the postures well. Midway through however fatigue set in and I really couldn't do much of the poses towards the end. Balance and stretchability aren't my strong suits. I feel yoga is definitely framed as more than just an exercise. It is a great stress-relieving and mind-clearing thing to do. If I focus on my breaths well enough I get a very happy mindset which not many things help me get that.

    Yoga is preferred over running or doing Zumba because it provides benefits that neither of the other two physical activities offers. Running helps clear my mind somedays but I never feel great after running. Running is very uncomfortable for me due to the very bad shin splints I get.  Yoga can be for all ages. I personally never took a Zumba class but working at a gym in the past I've seen a few and there's no way I could find enjoyment in doing that.  


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