
Showing posts from September, 2020

Yoga Journal 2

       This week, I retook the Essential Flow Yoga from last week because I felt like I could do better with it. Along with that, I also did another one called "Body & Mind Unwind" that was with Alex Silver-Fagan also on the Nike app.  Combined, since I took them back-to-back, took about 55 minutes. The focus was on recovery, mobility, and breathwork.       Doing the practices at home, it is difficult to have an authentic sacred space to practice in. I noticed in both videos I've done, they had an open space with minimal things in the background, like an empty studio with big windows and had a mat. In my room, I don't have that much space but enough to do the poses. I usually do it with no lights on and the window open for natural light to make it feel more "sacred" for me. The pose I had the most trouble with supra denotive (I don't know if that's how its spelled but) where your knees and elbows are on the mat and lift your hips up really openin

Yoga Journal 1

  Today was my first yoga class and it was on the Nike Training app. It was a beginner's course called "Essential Flow" that anyone could attend whether you're just starting out or a pro. The studio in the video was very bright with natural lighting white backdrop.       The yoga instructor spoke very calmly and soothingly.  The video was very quiet with just the sound of her voice and the music I was listening to. Every movement and position, she was so descriptive, and went through them multiple times with alternate positions. She made the positions and movements easy to understand how to do. The most important thing she kept telling me was to keep breathing through each position and motion.       I felt very relaxed afterwards but also very sore. As a former athlete, my bode really thanked me for doing something physical again. I know the more I go on through this class and these yoga courses, the more Ill be able to do theses poses and less sore.